ifantasyrace.com driver pages, check them out
Have you seen ifantasyrace.com driver pages yet? If you haven’t then check them out. Their at the cutting edge of technology for Fantasy NASCAR K.I.S.S easiness.
Each driver page is packed full of fantasy NASCAR goodness. On each page I tell you what are the strengths of drivers and what are their weaknesses. I also grade them for skill sets like only ifantasyrace.com can.
What makes these pages really stand out and unique is that their packed with the best fantasy NASCAR links available for the driver. They provide both Fantasy NASCAR links and informational links. I don’t just give you dummy links, I give you direct links for what you’re looking for so you don’t waste your time.
In terms of fantasy NASCAR links for drivers I give you links to fantasyracingcheatsheet.com, driveraverages.com, racing-reference.info, NASCAR.com, and Yahoo.com.
On the informational side I provide links to their twitter accounts, their team / pr twitter accounts, their Jayski.com news page, their wikipedia.com page, their Face Book page, and their official website.
All of these links are found on each drivers pages so check them out.You can find these pages conveniently located on the menu bar.